Mike Morin

President / Partner

Mike Morin is the President of CT/HX. He manages senior-level operations to ensure business growth and client satisfaction while developing strategic plans to meet company goals. Mike became a Partner at Fidelity Building Services Group (Fidelity) in 2022 when CT/HX joined the Fidelity BSG team.

Mike started with CT/HX in 1986 as a Field Technician and has held every company position, including those within management and sales. His in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience uniquely position Mike to effectively lead CT/HX into the next chapter and exceed their goals of growth and success.

Mike is a member of the National Association of Power Engineers (NAPE) and has served as President of the Maryland and Washington, D.C. chapters, as well as the Baltimore, Maryland chapter. He was also a Board Member from 2001-2021 and served as National President in 2005 and 2016. In 1995, Mike was recognized with the NAPE’s National Achievement Award for the New York State Association. He is only the second NAPE member to receive this award who was not a member of the New York group of chapters.

Mike is a graduate of Towson University in Baltimore, Maryland, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing and Management.